The lyrics of “Creases” feel a bit like a personal essay set to a melody, with Heno starting with a thesis statement – “you can never know the extent of the pain someone’s going through” – and then outlining his experiences, his philosophy, and his plan for action in life. It’s thoughtful and clear-headed, but also direct in speaking about depression and trauma in a way that feels very particular to this moment in time.
I’ve noticed that when musicians write about these topics now it’s almost always in plain and direct language that wouldn’t be too far off from, say, an Instagram caption. It makes some sense, in that being this clear about it is the most effective way of communicating these ideas and it’s a choice to be raw and vulnerable, but I do find myself yearning for more abstraction.
I can imagine a version of this that isn’t quite so obvious in its language and plays more on the ambiguous feel of the melody and arrangement, which conveys a feeling of calm just on the other side of panic and chaos.
via FluxBlog