RIP: Frightened Rabbit’s Scott Hutchison (1981 – 2018)


Update (5/11/18): Police have confirmed the identity of a man’s body found Thursday as that of Frightened Rabbit lead singer Scott Hutchison. This is just too sad. RIP.

Original story:

THURSDAY, MAY 10 – At this hour, family and friends, police and even fans, are desperately searching for Frightened Rabbit lead singer Scott Hutchison.

The 36-year-old Hutchison was last seen around 1 am Wednesday leaving the Dakota Hotel in the town of South Queensferry, Scotland, just outside of the capital Edinburgh.

By Thursday, concern for Hutchison’s safety was growing. His brother, and bandmate, drummer Grant Hutchison, tweeted Thursday morning:

“We have no news to report on Scott’s whereabouts this morning. Your support so far has been incredible and all we ask is you keep him in your thoughts, keep an eye out and keep sharing his picture online. Thanks for everything. Your kindness and positivity is [sic] keeping us going.”

Earlier on Wednesday, May 9th, just hours after learning of his brother’s disappearance, Hutchison posted the following heartfelt message on his Instagram:

“Has anyone seen my brother/bandmate/best friend? He’s in a very fragile state and has been missing since last night and we’re all incredibly worried.

“He was in a hotel in South Queensferry and hasn’t been seen or heard from since 1 a.m. Please repost and share and get in touch if you have any info. His phone is with the police.”

“If somehow you are reading this Scott then can you just let someone know you’re safe, please? We love you very much.”

The band also posted on their Twitter account on Wednesday morning the following message:

“We are worried about Scott, who has been missing for a little while now.”

“He may be in a fragile state and may not be making the best decisions for himself right now. Please, could Scott or anyone with any information on his whereabouts please contact Police Scotland.”

His brother also reported on Thursday that he left the hotel without his cellphone.

On Tuesday, the singer wrote and sent a pair of “worrying” tweets via his official Twitter account:

“Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not. I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones.”

The last tweet from Hutchison was on Wednesday: “I’m away now. Thanks.”

Please report any sightings of Scott Hutchison to the Scotland Police at +44 1786 289070.

Over the years, we have really enjoyed Hutchison’s and the band’s work and we can obviously only hope the best for Scott Hutchison, his family, friends, and fans.

Of course, we look forward to hearing the good news that Scott is safe.

Reference: Indie Rock Cafe’s Frightened Rabbit Archives back to 2008