Hallowscreaming: Best Halloween Indie Rock Spotify Playlist with Bon Iver, Beck, Radiohead, Beach, YYYs

IRC’s Halloween indie rock songs playlists go back as far as 2009.

Over the years, there have been more than 2 million visitors from across the U.S. and even around the world.to our various best of Halloween indie rock songs playlists here and on Spotify.

In response to demand, IRC has compiled a comprehensive Indie Halloween Songs playlist below and via the new Spotify Hallowscream Halloween Songs playlist on our Spotify page, featuring the Top 100 Indie Rock Halloween Songs.

Hallowscream: Best of Halloween Indie Rock Songs Spotify playlist includes spooky, scary, and like-themed songs perfect for an alternative Halloween songs playlist with bands and artists like The Black Keys; Radiohead; Beach House; Sufjan Stevens; The Kills; Beck; Pavement; Spoon; The Smiths; Sonic Youth; The White Stripes; Bright Eyes; Wilco; the Dead Weather; Flaming Lips and many others.

Please share and spread these songs around; they are based on our listeners’ votes compiled over a decade of publishing these playlists – long before Spotify. Enjoy and be ghoul…Halloween is here and people want playlists.