Objects in the Sky

In recent years, credible reports of unexplainable objects and lights in the skies (and sometimes bodies of water) worldwide moving at lightning fast speeds, making impossible manuvers, stopping in mid-air, appearing and disappearing in nano seconds and even landing or crashing to Earth.

For decades, such reports – even with credible witnesses like airmen and police officers – have been ridiculed, dismissed and laughed off by many people, and particularly the news media and government agencies.

But, as more government-employed whistleblowers have come forward, Congressional hearings held, increased numbers of photos and video released, and official, even formerly classified, documents leaked detailing unexplainable sightings and events have come forward, public attitude about UFOs have dramatically shifted.

In fact, the Gallup Poll of 2021, finds that exactly half of all Americans polled believe that some reported UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, while another 41 percent believe all are explainable by human activity or natural phenomenon. Nine percent of the respondents had “no opinion.”

Not since the 1940s and 1950s has their been as much public attention and media interest in Unidentified Flying Objects.

On our sister blog, Objects in the Sky, you will find daily news reports, features, photos, videos and more regarding whatever these objects, and lights, are in the skies, which historically have been reported for thousands of years, including the famous ‘wheels in the sky’ reported by Ezekeil in The Bible.