Phish Announces Riviera Maya 2022

The post Phish Announces Riviera Maya 2022 is published on LIVE music blog.

Phish has announced their next Riviera Maya celebration is returning early next year!

Set once again at the Moon Palace in Cancún, Mexico over the weekend of February 24-27, 2022, next year’s celebration will be almost exactly like the one they held in 2020 except they’re moving the stage to a new location. Everything else will be the same as we know it. Having attended the last one, I can say without a doubt that I’ll be in line for a re-up on purchasing a room this time around. What an amazing weekend.

Read more here for full details.

The post Phish Announces Riviera Maya 2022 appeared first on LIVE music blog.

Justin Ward

Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood form new music project, The Smile

thomyorkeRadiohead fans, take note! Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood have teamed up with drummer Tom Skinner for a new side project called The Smile. And in a surprise announcement from the Glastonbury Festival, the band will be making their debut today as part of the Live At Worthy Farm global livestream which premieres tonight at 7pm BST.

“Taking its name from the Ted Hughes poem, The Smile is a new collaboration between Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Tom Skinner and Nigel Godrich. For further information on The Smile as it is revealed, keep an eye on @thesmiletheband.”

Here’s their Instagram page and their homepage.