Watch U.K.’s Snapped Ankles new video ‘Shifting Basslines Of The Cornucopians’

Snapped Ankles, a group of anonymous British musicians who dress up in what looks like ghillie suits designed by Matthew Barney, have elaborate mythology around their new record which involves a character called The Cornucopian.

This is their avatar of the capitalist glutton, the hedonistic striver who reaches for material luxuries they can hardly afford. The character is given voice in this song, a crazed carnival tune that sounds like it should be signifying a good time but actually feels sweaty, paranoid, and unbalanced.

The vocals strongly resemble that of The Fall’s Mark E. Smith in tonality, phrasing, and sentiment as they spit bitterly sarcastic lines such as the opening “it’s a great time to be alive if only you’ve got some funds.”

The ideas they’re working with could come off a bit too didactic in lesser hands but this lot stays on the right side of satire and wisely place their greatest emphasis on rhythm and texture. You never need to pay attention to the words or look into their context to understand exactly what kind of bad – but still fun! – vibe they’re putting across here.

Matthew from Fluxblog

uk bands