Happy St. Patty’s Day – The Rumjack’s “Irish Pub Song” (70M Views)

IRC wishes you all a very happy St. Patrick’s Day. If you were able to get out and socialize – awesome. We’ve all been couped up for too long. But let’s keep this in mind too: every single human being on this planet faces the same dilemmas with this nasty virus and pandemic. This is an era dominated by an invisible, microscopic, and deadly avian disease menacing all of mankind.

Forever and evermore, through all of the reams of history for all years to come, 2020 will be remembered as the first biological world war of the 21st Century, and the year that the human world was turned upside down.

Once again, thank goodness for music.

The team is working right now on various new posts with new indie (both labeled and DIY) singles, releases, bands to watch, videos, etc. coming at you this week and in the weeks to come.

Please check back and please make sure to like and follow us. It helps!