20 Fking Awesome 2021 Alternative Rock Soundcloud Tracks

Over the years, Soundcloud has remained our favorite platform for music because of its open-source platform and general friendliness to musicians and users.

Unlike Spotify, Soundcloud is thousands of communities within a larger ecosystem that is interconnected, flexible, well designed, and easy to use. We love it! Here is our first lot of 20 fucking awesome new 2021 alternative rock tracks from a solid set of talented and artists and bands – both well-known and more obscure.

Just fire up this playlist and enjoy! Please share and like if you dig. We alt rock and indie rock lovers need to stay united against the tides of crap music and Hollywood corporate assholes.

We got killer new tracks from Mother Mother; Harker; Grouplove; Coach Party; Everything Everything; The Pale White and lesser-known/DIY bands like King Park: Mellor; Broken Links; Sprints and others.