Fresh Indie Rock Tracks – Animal Names, Coding Candy, Lastlings, Jack Lavoie, VTW

Summer is a full flame right now and we have some hot Fresh Tracks from artists and bands across the country and around the world, featuring rock, pop, electronic, experimental, alt. country rock and plain ‘ole alternative rock, spanning from Oklahoma to Wisconsin, and Italy to Australia. Enjoy and share this post. Indie and DIY forever!

Animal Names – Tulsa, Oklahoma
Coding Candy – Milan, Italy
Lastlings – Sydney, Australia
Jack Lavoie – Quebec City, Quebec
Versus The Wake – Long Island, New York
Ian and The Dream – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
BestMan – Chicago, Illinois
Boomlights – Nashville, Tennessee

Animal Names – “Flowers In Your Hair”

Musicians Ian Gollahon and Brian Keller are no strangers to the indie annals of Tulsa. Nearly a decade ago, they were just kids making a splash in the growing local indie scene.

Then high school graduations and college came along. And while they were out of the Tulsa scene for a number of years attending university, the duo, along with drummer Philip Martin, and bassist Aaron Wesinger, returned to their hometown recently to start a new musical project called Animal Names.

A successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year officially welcomed Animal Names to the Tulsa indie scene. The new trio draws inspiration and influence from the bands they have admired for years, such as Grizzly Bear, Modest Mouse, Band of Horses, Counting Crows, Mountain Goats, and Fleet Foxes.

The first single – from their upcoming debut album slated to drop next month – “Greens and Reds,” is an electric guitar-driven song with elements of atmospherics, somewhat in the tradition of Jeff Beck, that has a real classic rock quality about it, intentionally or not.

The newest, and second, single, “Flowers In Your Hair,” is not a hippy dippy song as much as it sounds like. In fact, it is something of a real gem for the summer playlists, we believe. It cannot be overstated that the band members’ skills in instrumentation and song composition prove that they are, once again, and perhaps more than ever, a force to be reckoned with in Tulsa. (Yes, you can go back home again).

When indie was really taking off, from 2007 to 2009, Gollahon and Keller, were part of the indie band, I Said Stop! in Tulsa. Even when they split up and went off to college, I Said Stop!’s music did not fade completely from their local radio stations and fans’ memories.

In May, Gollahon, who interned with producer Brian Deck (Modest Mouse, Counting Crows), and Keller, who interned at Chicago Recording Company and works C9 Studios, joined the other band members of Animal Names to headline the Blue Dome Arts Festival.

Animal Names self-titled debut album will be released officially on vinyl and CD at a release party next month.

Via Soundcloud: “Greens and Reds”Animal Names from Animal Names

Animal Names on Facebook

Versus The Wake