Best Indie Rock Songs 2010, Vol. III: Black Keys, Wolf Parade, Dead Weather, LCD Soundsystem, The National, Band of Horses

About twice a month, maybe more, we’re going to publish the What’s Hot Right Now playlist mix. The way we calculate what’s hot is by analyzing our web statistics of which songs people are listening to and downloading the most, and then comparing those to additional resources like The Hype Machine,, and other aggregators and popular music blogs to come up with a list that depicts the hottest songs on the web (not what’s hot on Billboard or radio).


“Tighten Up” The Black Keys

“Hustle and Cuss” The Dead Weather

“Drunk Girls” LCD Soundsystem

“What Did My Lover Say? (It Always Had To Go This Way)” – Wolf Parade

“Factory” Band of Horses

“Cloudy Shoes”Damien Jurado

“Your Hands”The New Pornographers

“Party With Children”Ratatat

The Black KeysThe Dead WeatherThe New PornographersWolf Parade