Click Here for Updated Festival News, Coverage and Announcements

Somehow an old tag ‘2008 Music Festivals’ became a really popular post tag in IRC’s widget-generated tag cloud. Of course, as tags in tag clouds do, the more people click on it, the larger the tag – in this case, ‘festival updates’ –  visually appears in the tag cloud itself.

Therefore, in an effort to ‘give the people what they want’ (like The Kinks’ once famously sang on the 1981 album by the same name), we’re working on finding a way to replace outdated categories in the tag cloud with the most recent music festival news, coverage, announcements, photos, playlists, videos and so forth.

Until that time, please click this Music Festivals search result to find some of the more recent festival-related posts. This is a temporary work-around until we figure out if in fact a large number of regular, and newer, IRC visitors want more festival related posts.

Here’s how you can help us figure that out:

If you want more music festival coverage, please leave a quick message in the Comments box below (only takes a minute – no signing up required and your email is never made public or shared). It can be as simple as “Yes, more festival coverage” or more specific like “do more coverage of festivals in 2013” or “I like the pre and post festival coverage you’ve done in the past with reviews, playlists, live videos, photos and line-ups.”   The number and content of the comments, which we will publish as they come in, will be a good indicator to us if more festival coverage is what people want in 2013.

In the meantime, view the main festival category page, or use the search box in the right column to search for specific festivals like Coachella, Outside Lands, SXSW, to name a few.