First-Ever YouTube Streaming Live from Outside Lands Fest in San Francisco

Dave Matthews Band will perform Saturday night at Outside Lands

For the first time ever, YouTube is streaming a live music festival to the world. The event is San Francisco’s second annual Outside Lands Festival, a three-day music fest in the city’s famed Golden Gate Park.

Tonight, at 7:50 pm Pacific time, YouTube’s Outside Lands coverage will feature the entire two hour set of legendary alternative rockers Pearl Jam. An hour before that, at 6:50 pm, Silversun Pickups will play for the live stream.

Click to watch YouTube’s Outside Lands Live Stream.

View the full schedule for all three day’s at Outside Lands’ official website.

The fest features headliners like Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews Band, Incubus, Modest Mouse, Ween, Mars Volta, Band of Horses, in addition to dozens of other bands like TV on the Radio, Calexico, Conor Oberst and the Mystic River Valley Band, Jason Mraz, Blind Pilot and dozens more. YouTube live streaming coverage kicked-off this afternoon with alternative rock icons Built To Spill – an impressive set that got thousands of people moving and having a blast.