New Indie Album Release: Grizzly Bear’s ‘Veckatimest’ and Free MP3

Last week, Grizzly Bear released Veckatimest, an album that offers an impressive compendium of songs featuring discordant arrangements flushed with acoustic and electric instrument experimentations, warm harmonic choruses. There are a few great, stand-out tracks that skittle along, curve, blend and swirl around wonderful story-telling; the most notable include “About Face”, “All We Ask”, “Cheerleader” and “Foreground”.

Although I do think Grizzly Bear are over-hyped at times on some popular music sites, they are accomplished musicians, who create enchanting, intricate musical compositions. That said, some people may find Veckatimest a bit strong on the melancholy and experimentation; it’s definitely not sun-drenched beach pop. However, there are a few bright spots, most notably on the minimalist Beach Boys-sounding track “Two Weeks”, which is the most non-GB like song on the album.

“Two Weeks”Grizzly Bear from Veckatimest

Get the song “Cheerleader” free at the band’s official website.