More Great Indie Albums of 2008: Former Happy Mondays’ Guitarist KAV and His ‘Band of Pirates’

It’s been some time since I’ve had a fix of new indie and alternative rock from the UK. Here is what I have been listening to lately, most of it sent directly to me, even though the official release was in 2008.

A London band, KAV, creates blistering indie rock but their EP last spring, Blaggers and Liars, slipped under the radar in the U.S, but the UK coverage has been a virtual love affair: The UK Guardian said of KAV: “This Blagger is A Latterday Jagger.” That’s a bit of an over-statement, but if you like rock with attitude, you’ll probably like KAV.

KAV was a guitarist and songwriter for The Happy Mondays (2004 to 2007) and wrote the title track “Playground Superstar” for Hollywood film Goal. KAV is also the man credited with creating the UK rock fest Get Loaded in The Park. This is his first solo effort backed by his ‘band of pirates’ that includes Dan Gulino (bass), Bobby Angels (guitar) and Jim Portas (drums). What do you think?

“Get It Done”KAV from Blaggers and Liars EP

KAV on MySpace