Bands to Watch in 2009: Caddywhompus

There is an exciting, new two-man indie band from New Orleans named Caddywhompus (which means, basically, ass-backwards, broken and uneven) that officially released their debut “EPs” this week.

My first taste of the band came earlier this month when they sent an email with a couple of songs attached. I was going to write about them weeks ago, but things have been backlogged here at the cafe. Nevertheless, after listening to their music for a few weeks now, Caddywhompus is officially an IRC band to watch in 09.

Caddywhompus’ sound comes at you with in-your-face exuberance of raucous noise pop hipsters. There are rave-like romps, driving drum beats, psychedelic infusions, and fuzzy, dreamy harmonies. Songs like “This is Where We Blaze the Nuggz”‘ and “Fun Times at Whiskey Bay” are perfect examples. Noise pop lovers will probably enjoy these songs and others including the interestingly-named track “Eat Chest” and the “…But Not Before A Show”.

There’s one problem: There is another band that they sound like so much and I cannot think of that band’s name. And yet I know if someone says it, I’ll be like, “Dude! That’s fricking it!” If you know, tell, please, tell. :-p

“This is Where We Blaze the Nuggz”Caddywhompus from “EPs”
“Fun Times at Whiskey Bar”Caddywhompus from “EPs”
“Eat Chest”Caddywhompus from “EPs”

Caddywhompus on MySpace . Buy “EPs” from the band’s official website.

Here’s an interview with the guys from Static Television