New Remix of Radiohead’s "Reckoner" from DJ Diplo

Some Radiohead fans will definitely take issue with the following remix of one of the biggest songs from In Rainbows – Reckoner. According to the deejay Diplo himself, he was asked by “the band” to do a remix, and apparently was given their blessing to go ahead and release it on his blog.

Listen or download the remix here:

MP3: Reckoner v2.0 (Diplo Train Wreck Remix) – Radiohead

Radiohead purists will find this remix a vast departure from the original on the history-making In Rainbows album, but the fact is that a whole new generation of Radiohead fans – especially all you ravers out there – will more likely find value in this remix.

What is your opinion, does this remix, hailed on some blogs, slammed on others, do Radiohead any justice? Give your opinion by going to this post link and then clicking on the ‘Post Comment’ link.