Courtney Love Does Math; Won’t Be Added to American Idol Judgeship

A long, but interesting article in Salon written by Courtney Love is the most in-depth look at the music industry I’ve read in a long time.

Love shows how musicians and bands really don’t make as much money as we all think they do, unless they hit it medium to really big.

In the article, Love also explores the new advantages that musicians have today. They can leave their labels behind thanks to all of the advances (and lower cost) of recording technology and distribution channels, most notably the Internet. (We are planning to publish a whole list of bands that have left big labels to create and distribute their music solo.)

[Update 2/1/07 1:20am: Love’s manager and American Idol’s executive producer Nigel Lythgoe say Courtney will not be a judge on American Idol and that Paula Abdul is not being replaced. The story below was written before that news.]

On a related note, there are rumors swirling around the blogs and the news shows that Courtney Love may be replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol. Wow, if you think about that, it may attract viewers who otherwise haven’t really watched the show but may with Courtney Love as a judge. Not just because she is the widow of Kurt Cobain, but also an accomplished musician herself.

But more than all of that, people will want to see how she judges and how she behaves. People will want to see if she may be on drugs like they have suggested Abdul is on (alcohol is a drug, right?).