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The green-screen video challenge and then the finale "Shred Down" between Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report and the once-indie, quirky rock band The Decemberists created tons of blog entries and chatter in the music and entertainment world.
But was it all based on a lie, or a simple mistake? Has it been just another prank to attract media attention and blogger buzz?
Whatever the case, the Indie Rock Cafe blog was the first on the Internet to report the likeness of The Decemberists contest published on their website in November and a similar contest by Stephen Colbert. IRC published a follow-up story the morning after the finale, which Colbert claims he won.
IRC is working on a story from evidence we have discovered that directly contradicts Stephen Colbert's claim to an "original idea" of having fans participate in the final production of a green-screen video. We have the evidence to support it.
We are waiting to hear something from the producers at The Colbert Nation. Will Mr. Colbert directly address the weight of the evidence we have unearthed or cut and run?
We love ya Steve, but let's set the record straight, try out some of that "fair and balanced" crap they dish out over on FOX News.
All we can say for now is stay tuned!
IRC may publish the story on our blog in the days to come, especially if we hear from The Colbert Report's producers.
This scoop, if you will, may also be published in a national newspaper or high-profile website like Smoking Gun, Spin or Pitchfork Media.
Send us an email if you're interested in being alerted when this story is published.
Labels: Green-Screen Challenge, Stephen Colbert vs. The Decemberists
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