So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

Recent Comments

"Did You See The Words" - Animal Collective (photo, top) from the 2005 release Feels
"Carrot Rope" - Pavement from the 1999 release Wowee Zowee
"Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" - Radiohead from the 2007/2008 release In Rainbows
"Cello Song" - Nick Drake from the 1969 release Five Leaves Left
"Canadian Girl" - The Walkmen from the 2008 release You & Me

"Is There A Ghost?" - Band of Horses from the 2007 release Ceases to Begin
"Disarm" - Smashing Pumpkins from the 1993 release Siamese Dream
"Scythian Empires" - Andrew Bird from the 2007 release Armchair Apocrypha
"Float On" - Modest Mouse from the 2004 release Good News for People Who Love Bad News
"Knots" - Pete and The Pirates from the 2008 release Little Death
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Labels: Andrew Bird, Animal Collective, Band of Horses, Indie Playlist Mix, Modest Mouse, Nick Drake, Pavement, Radiohead, Rogue Wave, The Walkmen
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January 12, 2009
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Riding on the sails of their 'critically acclaimed' debut album Humanimals, San Diego's indie trio Grand Ole Party has announced a slew of concert dates with indie rockers Rogue Wave and punk old-timers New York Dolls (do they get MediCare?) for the month of April with a final show in San Francisco on May 3rd.
Question: Is this band really good enough to tour with the likes of Vampire Weekend, Rilo Kiley and Rogue Wave? (I don't think so, but you be the judge.) Plus, the name; that's the best they could come up with? GOP? Maybe they'll get a spot at a McCain rally.

Grand Ole Party's April/May Concert Schedule
2 Denver, CO - Hi-Dive
3 Omaha, NE - Slowdown Jr
4 Lawrence, KS - Replay Lounge
5 Nashville, TN - The Rutledge
6 Birmingham, AL - Bottletree
7 Mt. Pleasant, SC - Village Tavern
11 Boston, MA - Paradise #
12 New York, NY - Fillmore at Irving Plaza #
15 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church #
16 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club #
18 Chicago, IL - Schubas #
19 Chicago, IL - Schubas #
20 St. Louis, MO - Gargoyle Club #
22 Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre #
24 Phoenix, AZ - Rhythm Room #
27 Indio, CA - Coachella
3 San Francisco, CO - The Fillmore #
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Labels: 2008 Indie Releases, Rogue Wave
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March 17, 2008
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