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Nevertheless, his electronic, micro-sampling remixes brim with cheerful, eccentric, esoteric, sublime, even dreamy sounds. In and around Guadalahara, Pesina is best known as Pepepe. The latter is the chosen moniker for his latest album, and second release for indie record label The Poni Republic, Roba Orgón De Plantas Y Animales (available as a free download; see link below).

"Little Secrets" (Passion Pit Remix) - Carlos Pesina, unreleased (2009)
"Stacey You Are A Monster" (Unsexy Nerd Ponies Remix) - Pepepe from Remixes (2008)
"Mirar A Los Ojos Es De Mal Gusto" - Pepepe from Roba Orgón De Plantas Y Animales (2009)
"Jacinto Cenobio" - Pepepe featuring Cyane from Roba Orgón De Plantas Y Animales (2009)
"Bros" (Panda Bear Remix) - Los Amparito
"Brothersport" (Hermano Sport Mix) - Los Amparito
Free Download: Roba Orgón De Plantas Y Animales
Pepepe on MySpace
Watch some of Pesina's self-produced videos on Vimeo.
Among his musical influences, Pesina lists Stereolab, Bjork, The Kinks, Mouse on Mars and many others.
Labels: 2009 Indie Songs, Animal Collective, Passion Pit, Remixes
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
July 8, 2009
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Listen or download the remix here:
MP3: Reckoner v2.0 (Diplo Train Wreck Remix) - Radiohead
Radiohead purists will find this remix a vast departure from the original on the history-making In Rainbows album, but the fact is that a whole new generation of Radiohead fans - especially all you ravers out there - will more likely find value in this remix.
What is your opinion, does this remix, hailed on some blogs, slammed on others, do Radiohead any justice? Give your opinion by going to this post link and then clicking on the 'Post Comment' link.
Labels: Albums: In Rainbows, Radiohead, Remixes
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
October 20, 2008
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