So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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New Posts and Playlists
Recent Releases We Almost Missed, VII: Sam Billen,...Best New Releases of the Week: Avi Buffalo, Alcoho...
IRC Band to Watch: New York's The Rassle
New York Times Will Stream The National's New Albu...
Recent Releases We Almost Missed VI: Owen Pallett,...
Best New Releases of the Week: Radio Dept., Rory E...
Yoko Ono Talks to IRC About Her Dance Hits, Musica...
Record Store Day: The Importance of Record Stores,...
One Man Band Series: Ben's Imaginary Band, 200 Lur...
Recent Releases We Almost Missed, Vol. V: The Libr...

best indie albums 2008

Recent Comments

One of the things that I am really committed to is supporting the artists and bands whose music I enjoy, and advocating for others to do the same. Whether it's something as simple as adding a band you enjoy to your social network of choice or going to shows and buying their albums, you are, in essence, each time voting and thereby taking part in a larger movement that is now instant, global and powerful in large part because of the Internet.
But there is one thing I hope will never change. The record store, or as I prefer to say, the record shop, especially the locally owned establishments. There has always been something special about going to a record shop, browsing the collections, hearing new music, finding out what others are digging, meeting people and building up the CD collection.
All this and more is why supporting your local record shop is so important. Everyone knows record shops have been hit hard in the past decade by record store chains (we all know their names) and the ability to purchase music online. Still, it's nice to see so many music lovers of all ages and tastes promoting and supporting their local record shops on this special day.
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Labels: Record Store Day
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