So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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But let's not say goodbye to summer too fast; it's still with us, and in that spirit, Indie Rock Cafe
kicks off it's PlayThis! MP3 Playlist Series. The first installment is, you guessed it, songs about
summer. Here's a streaming version featuring ten songs, followed by an MP3 playlist. You can PlayThis Playlist now!
1. Summertime - Miles Davis
2. A Summer Wasting - Belle & Sebastian
3. A Sweet Summer's Night On Hammer Hill - Jens Lekman
4. Constructive Summer - The Hold Steady
5. Electric Music And The Summer People - Beck
6. Feel Good Hit Of The Summer - Queens of the Stone Age

8. Jogging Gorgeous Summer - Islands
9. My Summer Girl - The Rentals
10. Play In The Summer - Trans Am
11. Spring And By Summer Fall - Blonde Redhead
12. Summer Babe [Winter Version] - Pavement

14. Summer Dress (Live on KCRW) - Red House Painters
15. Summer Is Coming - Matt Pond PA
16. Summer Kids Go - Moonbabie
17. Summer On The Westhill - Kings of Convenience
18. Summer Party - Breakbot
19. Summer Seen - The High Llamas
20. Summer Skin - Death Cab For Cutie
21. Summer Snow - Fahrenheit
22. Summer Songs - Barcelona
23. Summer Wind Was Always Our Son - Ataris
24. Summer's Gone - The Kinks
25. Summer...It's Gone - Grandaddy
This is the first installment of the PlayThis! MP3 Playlist Series focused almost exclusively on indie and alternative rock.
Over the years, I have been sorting my favorites songs - thousands of them - into categorical and thematical playlists. During this time, a collection of more than 50 mostly indie rock, folk, pop playlists has been produced. Little by little, each playlist, in a trimmed down version of course, will be published on this blog.
Eardrums Music has a free 24-song compilation of summer songs available for download at:
Forthcoming PlayThis! Playlists
Autumn Fills The Air - Featuring songs about autumn time, fall and the change of seasons
Halloween Tracks and Treats - A playlist of Halloween-related songs. Think ghosts, ghouls and goblins.
Labels: Indie Songs, MP3s, PlayThis MP3 Playlist Series
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September 4, 2008
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