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IRC was first indie music website to call attention to Mia Rose (Jan. 9, 2007), and also the first to predict her success.
Since then, her music career has taken off, and media from Rolling Stone to Pulse have featured her. You're welcome Mia!! ;)
Here's the original story.
Don't miss these other sites:
Indie Rock Concerts - Do you have concert video or want to write a review for IRC? Let us know! Check back or sign up for the feed - much more to come in the next few months.
Indie Rock Songs - new website dedicated to bringing you the best in indie rock and pop songs, free MP3s, charts, lyrics, MySpace music videos, YouTube music videos and more! Want to contribute? IRC promotes and encourages the best of today's independent artists to hon their skill so that the world can hear the music they create.
Monkey Types The Bible - Crazy, weird, odd, amazing news, people, videos, photographs and more!
Don't miss these other sites:
Indie Rock Concerts - Do you have concert video or want to write a review for IRC? Let us know! Check back or sign up for the feed - much more to come in the next few months.
Indie Rock Songs - new website dedicated to bringing you the best in indie rock and pop songs, free MP3s, charts, lyrics, MySpace music videos, YouTube music videos and more! Want to contribute? IRC promotes and encourages the best of today's independent artists to hon their skill so that the world can hear the music they create.
Monkey Types The Bible - Crazy, weird, odd, amazing news, people, videos, photographs and more!

Album of the Week: The Western States Motel
The debut CD from Los Angeles based The Western States Motel is getting more play and visitors to its MySpace page, especially after one of their songs was played on the just-cancelled TV show The OC.
Singer and songwriter Carl Jordan, who is pretty much the band himself, is now in the running to become of the best new indie singer/songwriters of late 2000's.
Almost every song on the CD is impeccably composed, the lyrics are profound and the overall mood of the album is happy.
It is one of those 'new' CDs you end up playing over and over again, that you turn up the volume on when your driving (be careful how you do that; I ended up going off a 30-foot cliff at 70 mph and I'm still here!).
Jordan's music is full of inspiration, beautifully composed, easily a modern-day pop gem reminiscent of The Magnetic Fields, Elliot Smith and The Shins.
While nearly every track on the album is worthy in its own right, the catchy, feel-good "Rows of Homes" is a wonderfully composed with memorable acoustic rhythms and vocals harmonies backed by melodic keyboard notes that soar to heights of near delirium.
Singer and songwriter Carl Jordan, who is pretty much the band himself, is now in the running to become of the best new indie singer/songwriters of late 2000's.
Almost every song on the CD is impeccably composed, the lyrics are profound and the overall mood of the album is happy.
It is one of those 'new' CDs you end up playing over and over again, that you turn up the volume on when your driving (be careful how you do that; I ended up going off a 30-foot cliff at 70 mph and I'm still here!).
Jordan's music is full of inspiration, beautifully composed, easily a modern-day pop gem reminiscent of The Magnetic Fields, Elliot Smith and The Shins.
While nearly every track on the album is worthy in its own right, the catchy, feel-good "Rows of Homes" is a wonderfully composed with memorable acoustic rhythms and vocals harmonies backed by melodic keyboard notes that soar to heights of near delirium.
Don't be surprised if it ends up on a soundtrack to a movie or soundtrack, or television commercial, sometime soon.
Other notables include "Powerlines", which automatically sounded like Matt Pond PA, which is not a bad thing at all. This is a magnificent song - Jordan's soothing voice and crisp acoustic keys are occasionally coupled with mini electric guitar solos and background hand-clapping.
The "oooh-oh-oooh" verses in the song sound exactly like the verses from The Shins fantastic song "New Slang" (featured on the Garden State soundtrack). I'm not accusing TWSM of lifting it from them, however, the similarity is striking coincidental.
The Western States Motel started out scoring soundtracks for "unmade short films...backyard nature documentaries and various VHS" shorts.
But Jordan's musical talent first got attention when he composed the score for Folsom, Cash and The Comeback, a documentary about Johnny Cash's famous 1968 live performance at the Folsom State Prison in California. The score is featured on Cash's special DVD edition of Walk The Line.
Anyone planning on taking a long road trip anytime soon may want to bring these songs along with them. We'll have a feature podcast coming out in the spring that are sounds geared for driving and taking long road trips.
Other notables include "Powerlines", which automatically sounded like Matt Pond PA, which is not a bad thing at all. This is a magnificent song - Jordan's soothing voice and crisp acoustic keys are occasionally coupled with mini electric guitar solos and background hand-clapping.
The "oooh-oh-oooh" verses in the song sound exactly like the verses from The Shins fantastic song "New Slang" (featured on the Garden State soundtrack). I'm not accusing TWSM of lifting it from them, however, the similarity is striking coincidental.
The Western States Motel started out scoring soundtracks for "unmade short films...backyard nature documentaries and various VHS" shorts.
But Jordan's musical talent first got attention when he composed the score for Folsom, Cash and The Comeback, a documentary about Johnny Cash's famous 1968 live performance at the Folsom State Prison in California. The score is featured on Cash's special DVD edition of Walk The Line.
Anyone planning on taking a long road trip anytime soon may want to bring these songs along with them. We'll have a feature podcast coming out in the spring that are sounds geared for driving and taking long road trips.
Labels: Carl Jordan, Mia Rose, The Western States Motel
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
January 18, 2007
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Update: Nov. 26, 2007 - Hey Everyone! See Mia's special note to all of you in the comments section below, and leave your own comment for Mia and other fans to read (spam and inappropriate comments will not be published)
Fans of Mia Rose! IRC was the first major music blog (Dec. 2006) to recognize the talent, and predict the international fame, of Mia Rose. In the past year, Mia Rose has become a global sensation and more than 75,000 people have come to this website from more than 50 countries worldwide.
Get news by feed or email about Mia Rose and other great independent musical talents - from indie rock to emo -
by subscribing to IRC .
Don't Miss: See her first YouTube video of a song Mia wrote herself below (scroll down)
We will have a very special - and only where on IRC - announcement about you and Mia Rose soon. Also check out Indierockconcerts.com and indierocksongs.com.
This story was originally published on Jan. 9, 2007
As folks who passionately love music, we are always eager to hear fresh and talented musicians who have somehow not shown up on the radar of the music industry.
Mia Rose, an 18-year-old young woman from the United Kingdom, is so far one of the missed blips on the screen.
But make no mistake about it, she will become a superstar if managed by the right people. See and hear for yourself. She can even sing magnificently without music.
The natural ability to sing without music is a big indicator of talent, and Mia does it marvelously.
Not only is she a talented young singer and guitar player, but Mia also has a spunky personality and she is absolutely adorable.
But still the overwhelming consensus is that she is going to be a big star if she gets the right label and manager.
In this music video, which we think is phenomenal, she is clearly a little nervous, but she's 18, so give her a break. All in all, she has begun the journey to international stardom.
Subscribers and new subscribers: Please check the website periodically for more timely updates on Mia Rose and the global indie music movement.
Sign Me Up for the Indie Indeed Feed
Labels: American Idol, Mia Rose, Unsigned Artists
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
January 9, 2007
Vote Songs on Hypem MP3 Policy
Submit Your Music Get the IRC Feed IRC on WeAreHunted
Submit Your Music Get the IRC Feed IRC on WeAreHunted
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