So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

Recent Comments
Among the most talked about, and triumphant indie releases this September is Austin's indie sensations Okkervil River's The Stand Ins.
MP3: "Los Coastlines" from Okkervil River's newest release
Rock critic Will Sheff called The Stand Ins and its 2007 counterpart The Stage Names "essentially a fat-free double album. They're also striking in-progress documents of a band that continues to sharpen its bookish but brutally honest indie rock with every disc."
Other artists and bands releasing new work this month include The Broken West, Kings of Leon, Woodlands, I Heart Hiroshama, Broadfield Marchers and Mason Proper, among many others. (Check back as this page will be updated as new music arrives).
MP3: "Auctioneer" by Broken West from the forthcoming album Now or Heaven, released on September 9, 2008 via Merge Records.
MP3: "I Wasn't Made For Fighting" by Woodlands from their album Heart Attack on Paper Bag Records. This is a great song for those of you who enjoy trip-hop trance mixed with rock-like interludes and vocals.
MP3: "Punks" and "Surgery" by I Heart Hiroshama from the new album Tuff Teef
MP3: "Warchful Hill People" by Broadfield Marchers from album The Inevitable Continuing, released on September 2, 2008.
MP3: - "Lock and Key" by Mason Proper off the album Olly Oxen Free due out September 23, 2008 on Dovecote Records.
IRC actively supports aspiring, and established, indie and alternative rock musicians, bands, artists and labels that make great music worthy of highlighting.
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Labels: 2008 Indie Songs, Kings of Leon
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