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Recent Comments

In retrospect, the split doesn't seem so bad. Two great bands rose from the ashes - Jeff Tweedy ' s Wilco and Jay Farrar of Son Volt, and they each are happy working on their own vision of what is the music they want to make.
For example, Farrar tunes his guitar much differently than most musicians (sort of a Hendrix type of approach), which he says is to blend with his unique voice and songwriting.
This is nothing new with talented musicians and songwriters - the need to branch off at some point and take control of their work. It's a common evolution for successful artists, and thank goodness.
Son Volt's new CD release The Search carves new paths in the musical maturity of Farrar and the rest of the band.
Watch a New York Times interview Jay Farrar of Son Volt
Labels: Jay Farrar, Jeff Tweedy, Son Volt, Uncle Tupelo, Wilco
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