So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

Recent Comments
Here are some other great indie songs that have come out in the past six weeks, including fresh tracks from San Francisco's Leopold and His Friction, Jason Zumpano, Iowa rock from Wolves in the Attic, LA's Go West Young Man and Henry's Funeral Shoe.
"Loss of God" - Wolves in the Attic from Electronic Hearts - Jan. 5
Bonus: "Electronic Hearts"
"Come Back (Now That I'm Here)" - Leopold and His Fiction from Ain't No Surprise - Jan. 14
"Beggars of Blue Sky" - Jason Zumpano from Roses $9.99 a Dozen - Jan 17
"Chinatown" - Go West Young Man from self-titled release - Feb. 17
"Henry's Funeral Shoe" - Henry's Funeral Shoe from Everything's for Sale - Feb. 17
Labels: Go West Young Man, Leopold and His Fiction, New Releases
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