So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

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A writer for the popular music site 3Hive said of the new album: "Laureates fans beat me to some apt descriptions like 'equal parts paisley and punk' and 'Interpol produced by Phil Spector.' Absolutely right up my alley." The Chicagoist called it "60s inspired pop with a new millennial sensibility."
MP3: "A Novel Approach" from the forthcoming debut album by The Laureates.
The Laureates have become one of Chicago's most popular indie rock bands over the past couple of years and were successful in creating the all-important "blogger buzz" by opening for indie artists like Frightened Rabbit and The Spinto Band.
The band formed, and reformed, during a two-year process between 2005 and 2007, drawing on musicians from states like Iowa, Illinois and Kentucky. The Laureates is the brain-child of Chad Preston. Preston had written a collection of songs, his PR firm says, "that was exciting enough to inspire him to go out and find the right team to perform the songs."
Preston assembled bassist Crawfie Ward, drummer Peter Gray and guitarist Adam Penly, and together with Mike Lust from Phantom Manor Recording in Chicago, recorded all 13 songs, during a time that spanned from December 2007 through March 2008.

Fans and interested music listeners can download The Laureate's 7" EP for free.
The band's official record release show will be held at Chicago's Empty Bottle club on November 19, 2008.
New feature: Halloween indie playlists to get you in the mood for Halloween week.
Labels: Free Indie Music, The Laureates
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
October 23, 2008
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Oops! You're right, I did, and now after having listened The Slip by NIN's for a few weeks, I'm convinced it's worth downloading, especially for free.
There are few 'big name' indie and alternative bands out nowadays willing to offer their music for free, but if you think about it, the strategy is a smart one. Not only do you create loyalty with long-time fans, but it's also a great way to attract new fans. And thus, sell more concert tickets and merchandise.
Let's face it, the give-our-music-out-for-free approach is working, as bands like NIN have shown. Now it's up to many other music artists and bands to follow their lead, and in return, grow their base.
The record industry made windfall profits off CD sales for decades; but the formula has changed and the sooner they embrace it, the better off they will be in the long haul.
If you're a Nine Inch Nails fan, you probably already know that the band will be performing tomorrow, August 10th, at the Virgin Mobile Festival in Baltimore. Check back later for YouTube and other videos from the 2008 Virgin Festival lineup.
Download The Slip for free at NIN official website.
The following is the official NIN's music video for the track "Lights in the Sky" from their latest free release, The Slip:
Labels: Free Indie Music, Nine Inch Nails
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
August 9, 2008
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