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It's not all about Vampire Weekend, but as far as new releases this week, it largely is all about Vampire Weekend. In an addition to our special feature here of the release of their new LP, we want to share with you great music from Dreamboat Money, Technoir MA, Final Fantasy, We+Are+The+City, The Scruffs, Jason Boesel, Nana Grizol and The Paperbacks (in no particular order).
So, one of the most anticipated sophomore albums of the past few years is finally out; Vampire Weekend's new album, Contra, the follow-up to their half-million-selling, self-titled debut, hit the store shelves today. From our very early listen - thanks to an album stream on the band's site, and via NPR, Contra is an impressive collection of fun, witty and masterfully written and recorded songs that will surely refuel the band's astronomical success.
That said, it will take some time to absorb the complete LP in its entirety; the danger is in the fact that the band has been so exposed (over-exposed?) and wildly popular (hyped?) in the past year and a half - propelling them out the 'indie' scene to the mainstream - that Contra will be held to a higher standard than if they were just another band.
There is no doubt that Vampire Weekend is a band of immensely talented, young musicians who weave upbeat and interesting songs that incorporate various musical styles (from Afro-pop to Latin fusion), instrument experimentation, falsetto vocals and choruses and compelling lyrics that result in memorable, catchy tracks.
In the end, despite what the critics and bloggers say, it will be the fans of Vampire Weekend, as well as the more casual listeners, who ultimately decide the success of the band's sophomore release in the coming months.
After having seen Vampire Weekend perform live at least four times in the past 18 months, we must say that, if you get a chance, they are a spectacular live band, and often prefer to play in smaller venues, as their most recent tour so well demonstrated.
Following a CD release party tonight at the Ford Theatre in Los Angeles, the band are setting out on a four-month European and North American tour that includes a string of already sold out shows in the UK. Check Vampire Weekend's MySpace page for the full tour schedule.
- Order the LP and stream individual tracks via Beggars Group or XL Recordings
- For a limited time orders of the CD or LP will ship with a bonus 3 song CD* containing:
1. "Contramelt A" (album mega-mix version A)
2. "Contramelt B" (album mega-mix version B)
3. "Cousinz" (Toy Selectah Mex-More Remix)
"Horchata" - Vampire Weekend from Contra (2010) - via Stereogum
"White Sky" (Live on Jimmy Fallon) - Vampire Weekend from Contra (2010)
See all of IRC's posts about Vampire Weekend dating back to early 2008.

The next band from Vancouver, British Columbia, we think are one of the newest Canadian bands to watch in 2010. Dreamboat Money's impressive debut, If Found Please Listen, was released officially today via Hipjoint Records, and is available as a free download on Active Minds Productions.
"I Can't Wait To Come Home" - Dreamboat Money from If Found Please Listen
"It's About Time?" - Dreamboat Money from If Found Please Listen
Technoir MA made the decision to record a second EP merely days after completing their first back in May of this year; the thought being that the new EP would become a slightly harder hitting companion piece. When they cut the tracks the third weekend of September, they spent more time with the overdubs, often improvising them. As a result, the Ramones-meets-New Order pulse of "Desire" was given a jangle-like lilt, "Sparks" became simultaneously more aggro and more shoegaze, while the guitar-break in "Use of Force" became an elaborate three-part "surf orchestra".
Hitting their groove, "Return" was recorded on the fly creating a neatly guided detour into darker and spacier territory before the sonic jump of "Use of Force". Having finished the overdubs and mixing in early October, the EP was realized to be a document well beyond a companion piece to the first record and christened it 2/B. The band will be promoting 2/B in 2010 as if it were a proper LP, with plans to take it on the road along with a batch of new songs.
"Sparks" - Technoir MA from 2/B (2010)

Other songs from new releases today you might enjoy:
"Lewis Takes Action" - Final Fantasy from Heartland (2010)
"There Are Very Tiny Beasts in the Ground" - We+Are+The+City from In a Quiet World (2009)
"Treasure Girls" - The Scruffs from Conquest (2010)
"Hand of God" - Jason Boesel from Hustler's Son (2010)
"For Things That Haven't Come Yet" - Nana Grizol from Ruth (2010)
"Slow Learners" - The Paperbacks from Lit from Within (2010)
Labels: Dreamboat Money, New Releases, Technoir MA, Vampire Weekend
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January 12, 2010
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