So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

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We have a new musical journey to embark on. A common refrain on this blog is the fact there is a ton of amazing music out there that most people have never heard, or will never hear, if not for the miracles of the Internet. Sometimes it’s just one song by an obscure band. Other times it is an entire album full of amazing music that somehow slips under the radar.
In this new playlist series, "The Great Unknowns", you'll learn about musicians, bands, songs and albums that have gone largely unnoticed for whatever unfortunate reason 0r combination thereof - poor timing, bad management, band problems, lousy marketing, lack of focus and the list goes on.
During the past couple of decades, indie and alternative music have gained a wider audience. Much of this can be credited to the promotion of music by music lovers via music via the Internet. Songs featured in this series do not reflect new indie or alternative music (check the New Releases or MP3s sections of this site for those) but instead music released generally between the years 1990 to 2008.
One of the main purposes for this blog for more than two years has been to bring unknown or under appreciated music to the ears of more people, and to highlight the best of the best known indie and alternative artists and bands as well. If you know more than a couple songs on this list, then you must be a real indie die-hard. Enjoy the first installment of The Great Unknowns.
"Man 'O War" - Eric Bachman from To The Races (2006)
"Rain Parade" - Bill Ricchini from Ordinary Time (2002)

"Suggestion Box" - Aqueduct from I Sold Gold (2005)
"Alison" - Slowdive from Souvlaki (1993)
"Punk as Fuck" - American Analog Set from Know By Heart (2001)
Check back, grab the Feed Me Indie feed or follow IRC on Twitter to get the latest on new indie rock releases, bands and songs, plus the best of classic indie and alternative rock.
Labels: Best Indie Songs, Bill Richinni, Eric Bachmann, MP3s, Rare Classic Indie Songs, The Great Unknowns
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"Good Fight Fighting" - The Very Most from Congratulations Forever
"In The Bedroom" - Xylos from Bedrooms
"Stop Smoking Asshole Cigarettes" - Netherfriends from Feathers & Dots E.P
"Bag of Hammers" - Thao from We Brave Bee Stings and All
"Ordinary Song" - The Little Ones from Morning Tide
Labels: Best Indie 2008, Best Indie Songs
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You never know when you'll find you favorite new artist or song. Hopefully, you've agreed with many of our choices through this series.
"Heads Roll Off" - Frightened Rabbit from The Midnight Organ Fight
"White Winter Hymnal" - Fleet Foxes from Fleet Foxes
"Empty House" - Paper Route from Paper Route
"Lost Coastlines" - Okkervil River from The Stand Ins
"Year of the Dog" - The Lovely Sprarrows from Bury The Cynics
Labels: Best Indie 2008, Best Indie Songs, Firewater, Frightened Rabbit, Okkervil River
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The usual flurry of indie and alternative rock album and single releases for return to school and pre-Christmas season is in full swing.
This week IRC has assembled another eclectic collection of new MP3 releases from already released and forthcoming releases of some of the best indie rock albums and songs of 2008.
Featured artists and bands include Ed Laurie, Jeremy, The Harvey Girls, The Trophy Fire, The Doleful Lions, Awesome Color, The New Up and others.
- "Hey Little Sprout" by The Harvey Girls
- "Fourteen" by The French Semester
- "White Lotus Day" by The Doleful Lions
- "Year of the Dog" by The Lovely Sparrows
- "Broken Machine" by The New Up
- "Already Down" by Awesome Color
- "Divide" by The Trophy Fire
Labels: 2008 Indie Rock, Best Indie Songs, MP3s
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