So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

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MP3: The Modern Leper - Frightened Rabbit
The digital version of the album was released this week and CD version of the album will be officially released on April 29th on Fat Cat Records.
- Frightened Rabbit interview with Stereogum
- MySpace: Frightened Rabbit
- Pitchfork review of The Midnight Organ Fight
- Elbo.ws review and tracks off Frightened Rabbit's new release
According to the band's record label:
Frightened Rabbit's performance and interview from this year's SXSW festival will feature on Rockfeedback TV on CH4 on 19 April...and 25th April.
Labels: 2008 Indie Releases, Frightened Rabbit
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April 17, 2008
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This week's indie music playlist features recent releases from musicians and groups that are creating buzz among the music bloggers.
The single "No One's Gonna Love You" by Band of Horses appeared on their latest album released almost six months ago. Yet, it wasn't until yesterday (March 19, 2008) that the single was 'officially' released.
The psychedelic and Middle Eastern influences of The Ruby Suns is apparent on their latest single and The Helio Sequence returns with a new single after a four year new material drought (but the wait was worth it for HS fans).
Each of this week's songs and the artists who created them were selected not just because they are recent notable releases, but their unique talent and important contributions to the silly thing we like to call 'indie' rock, aka independent music, helps keep the spirit, freedom and creativity of music alive in an age when overly polished and marketed music dominates the mainstream media.
Check out these free and legal MP3s from Band of Horses, The Ruby Suns, The Gutter Twins, The Helio Sequence, What Made Milwaukee Famous and Steve Malkmus and the Jicks.
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Tane Mahuta

MP3: The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead
MP3: Band of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You
MP3: The Gutter Twins - Idle Hands
MP3: Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks -Baltimore
MP3: What Made Milwaukee Famous - Resistance St.
Stay tuned for a complete band profiles of each of this week's playlist winners or subscribe to the feed to get them as they are published.
Note: Musicians, bands, promoters and labels, please submit CDs and music to review to POB 722, RE, CA 95044. To leave a comment, please click on the Post Comment link.
Labels: 2008 Indie Releases
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
March 20, 2008
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Riding on the sails of their 'critically acclaimed' debut album Humanimals, San Diego's indie trio Grand Ole Party has announced a slew of concert dates with indie rockers Rogue Wave and punk old-timers New York Dolls (do they get MediCare?) for the month of April with a final show in San Francisco on May 3rd.
Question: Is this band really good enough to tour with the likes of Vampire Weekend, Rilo Kiley and Rogue Wave? (I don't think so, but you be the judge.) Plus, the name; that's the best they could come up with? GOP? Maybe they'll get a spot at a McCain rally.

Grand Ole Party's April/May Concert Schedule
2 Denver, CO - Hi-Dive
3 Omaha, NE - Slowdown Jr
4 Lawrence, KS - Replay Lounge
5 Nashville, TN - The Rutledge
6 Birmingham, AL - Bottletree
7 Mt. Pleasant, SC - Village Tavern
11 Boston, MA - Paradise #
12 New York, NY - Fillmore at Irving Plaza #
15 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church #
16 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club #
18 Chicago, IL - Schubas #
19 Chicago, IL - Schubas #
20 St. Louis, MO - Gargoyle Club #
22 Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre #
24 Phoenix, AZ - Rhythm Room #
27 Indio, CA - Coachella
3 San Francisco, CO - The Fillmore #
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Labels: 2008 Indie Releases, Rogue Wave
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
March 17, 2008
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For starters, Jukebox, officially released on Jan. 28, 2008, is a bland title for such an inspiration work, but it makes sense in the end because the tracks represent a cross-section and blend of music genres from blues to jazz and soul to country.
The feel of the album is much more like a tour de musique of Americana than the hauntingly anguished sound that made Chan (pronounced "Shawn") so beloved in the alternative and indie music community. Moreso, Jukebox demonstrates Chan's maturation musically, lyrically and spiritually.
With a set of songs ready to go, Chan marshaled together some of the finest musicians in soul, blues, jazz and country music, coralling folks like Jim White, drummer for The Dirty Dozen, Matt Sweeney of Chavez, Judah Bauer of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, members of the Dirty Delta Blues Band, and others.

Foreman acknowledged a shift in sound from the brilliant release MoonPix - an album filled with hearting-wrenching, melancholic songs of failed love - and put it this way:
Yeah, well, we've had a few complaints from fans that want to hear [more of the sound found on Moon Pix]…It'll take time.”As for Chan’s feelings about the “new” sound, Foreman said:

Download, listen and upload to any MP3 player the following free and legal MP3s off of Jukebox, curiousity of the great Matador Records:
MP3: Cat Power – "Song to Bobby"
MP3: Cat Power – "Metal Heart"
- Cat Power's official website (I think this is the official site)
- Matador Record's Cat Power profile
- All Music Guide's profile of Cat Power
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or your favorite reader and podcaster.
Labels: 2008 Indie Releases, Cat Power, Chan Marshall
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
February 10, 2008
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