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New and Classic Music Videos, Sessions and Festivals
The web has made music videos more available than ever before, and artists and bands have been competing to make the
most creative, memorable and high-quality videos for some years now, mostly DIY style. This page, which is regularly updated, provides some of the most popular music videos on the web, plus the occasional brilliant fan video, filmed interviews with popular artists and bands, studio and radio sessions, and highlight performances from festivals and concerts. In some cases, you'll also find MP3s that accompany the video.
Feel free to spread this page and send to others with the button. This helps us decide which videos to keep and to post in the future, because we DO care about what you think.
"Real Love" - Beach House
More posts about Beach House
"The Sparrow Looks Up at the Machine" - The Flaming Lips
More posts about The Flaming Lips
"Promises" - The Morning Benders
The Morning Benders website
"Written in Reverse" - Spoon
More posts about Spoon
"Swim" - Surfer Blood
Surfer Blood on MySpace
"Soloist in the Living Room" - Cold War Kids
Cold War Kids on MySpace
"Something New" - The Airborne Toxic Event
The Airborne Toxic Event website
"Horchata" - Vampire Weekend
More posts about Vampire Weekend website
"Ready Able" - Grizzly Bear
More posts about Grizzly Bear
"Old Days" - Dr. Dog
Dr. Dog on MySpace
"Basic Space" - The XX
The XX on MySpace
"Paris Is Burning" - St. Vincent
St. Vincent official website
San Francisco's 18th annual Noise Pop festival, featuring indie rock artists, film and special events will take place at venues throughout the city over a span of seven days, starting this Tuesday, February 23rd.
Blood Into Wine at Viz Cinema (website | 1746 Post St. ) - 7:30 p.m. Tickets: Sold Out. All ages.
The Heart is a Drum Machine at the Viz Cinema - 9:30 p.m. Tickets: $10. All ages.
Blood Into Wine at ATA (website | 992 Valencia St. ) - 7 p.m. Tickets: $10. All ages.
Woodstock: Now & Then at ATA - 4 p.m. Tickets: $10. All ages.
Feel free to spread this page and send to others with the button. This helps us decide which videos to keep and to post in the future, because we DO care about what you think.
Trailers for Independent Music-Related Films Showcasing at Noise Pop 2010