So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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The group will perform for their cult-like and adoring fans whom enjoy the band's strange, unique, dark and often malformed musical compositions.
You can click on the venues below for more specific information (when available) and to find tickets. Otherwise, check out TicketMaster.com
Animal Collective's 2007 Tour Show Schedule (updated: June 27th)
Tue, 09/11/07 -6:00 PM
First Avenue
First Avenue
Minneapolis, MN
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Tue, 09/18/07 -8:00 PM
Henry Fonda Theatre
Henry Fonda Theatre
Tue, 09/25/0709:00 PM
Cannery Ballroom
Cannery Ballroom
Nashville, TN
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Wed, 09/26/07 -8:30 PM
Variety Playhouse
Variety Playhouse
Atlanta, GA
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Sat, 09/29/07 -8:00 PM
Starlight Ballroom
Starlight Ballroom
Philadelphia, PA
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Sun, 09/30/07 -8:00 PM
Webster Hall
Webster Hall
New York, NY
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Mon, 10/01/07 -8:00 PM
Webster Hall
Webster Hall
New York, NY
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For Fans Outside the U.S., Animal Collective will be playing the following dates abroad. If you have never heard of them, check them out - we love them here at IRC!
Fri, 09/07/07 -8:00 PM
Bronson Centre
Bronson Centre
Sat, 09/08/07 -6:00 PM
Phoenix, AZ
The Phoenix Concert Theatre
The Phoenix Concert Theatre
Sat, 09/15/07 -8:00 PM
Vancouver, BC
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Labels: Animal Collective
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
June 30, 2007
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The band is adorn worldwide by legions of loyal indie rock fans, some who have been following BTS since their early pioneer blazing days into new realms of alternative rock as a counterpart to the grunge movement.
Built to Spill became an eventual substitute for many grunge rock fans after the suicide of Kurt Cobain. Many rockers agree that the death of Nirvana’s front man marked the end of the grunge rock era that exploded out of Seattle in the early 90’s.
Of course some rock critics still debate BTS’s place in indie rock.
In fact, Steve Huey of allmusic.com observes: “Built to Spill were one of the most popular indie rock acts of the '90s, finding the middle ground between postmodern, Pavement-style pop and the loose, spacious jamming of Neil Young.”
However one wants to categorize the band’s exact genre home – they span many – the fact that the aging trio is back to give fans their branded style of indie rock is a treat not to be under appreciated.
Last year, the band’s first album in five years titled “You in Reverse” attracted an

Check out some samples and MP3s and Built to Spill YouTube and AOL music videos at IndieRockSongs.com
Also, you can view the most updated Built to Spill tour and show schedule listings (as of 6/27/07) at IndieRockConcerts.com
Labels: Built to Spill, Festivals
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
June 27, 2007
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No matter who is chosen for the prize, there will always be fans of the other nominees that think their favorite artist's album should take the honor.
According to the press release today by the Los Angeles-based Shortlist Organization, “Cat Power's album quickly got under my skin. She has one of the most beguiling voices around. 'The Greatest' is an immediate classic that will never age."
Despite her unquestionable talent and important contributions to indie music, it may have some music fans scratching their heads, considering the line-up of intial nominees picked by the Shortlist Organization panel of judges.
In addition, the winning album is not a release of new, original music - it's a compilation of Marshall's 'greatest'. Is that fair to the other artists and their fans?
The announcement of the Shortlist Music Prize was late this year by a couple of weeks at the least. The organization said in March that it would announced the winner in May after shaving down the list of nominees to the top ten. Speculation that a deal with iTunes to feature the winning album on the store's homepage is what caused the delay.

This year's nine listmakers including last year's winner Sufjan Stevens, Franz Ferdinand, KT Tunstall, Panic at the Disco, The Killers, Snow Patrol and Flaming Lips.
Drummer Ronnie Vannucci of the Killers said "the finalists are the backbone of what makes music special in the first place. They are each doing their own thing and it’s beautiful."
Greg Spotts, the Shortlist co-founder, said: "this is the year of the storyteller. More than half of our ten finalists are wordsmiths who create unique characters and narratives, interpreting our complex world in new ways."
Many of these artists employ unusual instruments and sounds, from the harp of Joanna Newsom to the accordion of Beirut to the secondhand percussion of Tom Waits.
Nine of the ten nominated albums were released by independent labels, marking the indie sector’s largest share of the finalists in the award’s six-year history.
Check the entire list. Entries in bold are the top ten Shortlist nominees. Those in italics are my own choices for the top ten.
Background Information on the Shortlist Organization
Anyone who wants a fast track introduction to indie and alternative rock should definitely take a browse of the nominated albums by the little-known Shortlist Organization.
Each year since 2001, the organization, comprised of rock musicians, producers and others from the independent rock music scene, has gone about selecting their favorite albums for the past year.
The only restrictions are that album nominated must have been for sale in the U.S. and could not have sold more than 500,000 units.
Once all the “listmakers” have turned in their nominees, they are all collected and collated into a “long list” of the past year’s best album and artists, which usually comprises about 55 to 70 nominees on average.

The list itself reads like a rooster of the best indie artists and albums of the past year - enough to make any rock fan want to check and double-check their music collection again just to make sure they have everything.
After the long list is released, the committee goes to work to pair the list down, ultimately giving birth to the name “Shortlist”.
Anyone who has been an indie fan since, let’s say roughly 1999, knows that it is a daunting task to create a “short” list of the best albums in any one year because there are so many great releases. Look at 2006 alone.
The long list is itself a microcosm of a much longer list of fantastic music released by indie and alternative rock, pop, hip hop, trance and others in the past year, but just as the iPod Nano teaches, you need to begin to limit your music collection somewhere – there’s simply not enough time.
This is yet another purpose of the Shortlist Music Prize – that is, to basically do all the work finding the best music out there for you, packaging it up really nice, offering a streaming jukebox of songs from the list nominees (located on the site’s homepage) and essentially writing up your list of CDs to go buy or request for your birthday or other occasion.
Labels: Cat Power, Chan Marshall, Indie Music Awards
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
June 13, 2007
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There's a "mini-Cochella" (what's Coachella?) without the searing heat of the central southern California desert.
On Saturday, June 9, San Francisco rock station 105 Live FM is hosting an impressive line-up of artists from the indie rock scene, including Bloc Party, Interpol, Social Distortion, Kaiser Chiefs, Cold War Kids, CSS, Shiny Toy Guns and many more (full listing below).

The all-day concert is expected to sell out, so get your tickets now. You can subscribe to IRC and get updates on the show, including an MP3 podcast special that will include great rock songs from the various artists scheduled for the Live 105 concert.
While the line-up is always subject to change, as of May 22, 2007, here is the official rooster of artists billed for the Live 105 Bloc Party BDF:
*Note: My aim is to provide websites, profiles and MP3s of each artist appearing at the Live 105 festival. Sign up for the IRC feed or check back to this page often for updated information, links, free music and even a free ticket contest. http://www.live105.com/pages/547604.php
Bloc Party
- Official website
- Bloc Party mp3s
- Official website
- Interpol mp3s
- Interpol videos
Queens of the Stone Age
- Official website
- Queens of the Stone Age mp3s
- Official website
- Bloc Party mp3s
- Official website
- Interpol mp3s
- Interpol videos
Queens of the Stone Age
- Official website
- Queens of the Stone Age mp3s
(These links below will be filled in throughout the night and tomorrow and hopefully we'll have some live clips to share!)
Social Distortion
–Official website
-Social Distortion mp3s
The Faint
–Official website
-The Faint mp3s
The Bravery
-Official website
-The Bravery mp3s
Kaiser Chiefs
-Official website
-Kaiser Chiefs mp3s
Silversun Pickups
-Official website
-Silversun Pickups mp3s
Cold War Kids
-Official website
Cold War Kids mp3s
Shiny Toy Guns
-Official website_
-Shiny Toy Guns: Le Disko(mp3)
Sum 41
-Official website
-Sum 41 mp3s
-Official website
The Lovemakers
-Official website
-The Lovemakers mp3s
Street to Nowhere
-Official website
-Street to Nowhere mp3s
Scissors for Lefty
-Official website
-Scissors for Lefty mp3s
The Matches
-Official website
-The Matches mp3s
Every Move A Picture
official website
Tiger Army
official website
official website
official website
Audrye Sessions
official website
official website
Poor Bailey
official website
- Live 105 Bloc Party page
- Review of last year’s Live 105 BDF – Spin.com
–Official website
-Social Distortion mp3s
The Faint
–Official website
-The Faint mp3s
The Bravery
-Official website
-The Bravery mp3s
Kaiser Chiefs
-Official website
-Kaiser Chiefs mp3s
Silversun Pickups
-Official website
-Silversun Pickups mp3s
Cold War Kids
-Official website
Cold War Kids mp3s
Shiny Toy Guns
-Official website_
-Shiny Toy Guns: Le Disko(mp3)
Sum 41
-Official website
-Sum 41 mp3s
-Official website
The Lovemakers
-Official website
-The Lovemakers mp3s
Street to Nowhere
-Official website
-Street to Nowhere mp3s
Scissors for Lefty
-Official website
-Scissors for Lefty mp3s
The Matches
-Official website
-The Matches mp3s
Every Move A Picture
official website
Tiger Army
official website
official website
official website
Audrye Sessions
official website
official website
Poor Bailey
official website
- Live 105 Bloc Party page
- Review of last year’s Live 105 BDF – Spin.com
Labels: Music Festivals
eMusic's FREE Daily Download!
June 8, 2007
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