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Michael Jackson is dead. It's hard to believe. Above is authentic video from Hollywood.TV of an ambulance taking Michael Jackson from his Bel Air home today hours before he was pronounced dead. Micheal Jackson entertained hundreds of millions of people around the world from Jackson 5 to the biggest selling album ever - Thriller. It sold more copies worldwide than any record in history. Despite serious allegations lodged against him, Michael Jackson did help the cause of world peace and brought joy to tens of millions worldwide. He also helped break down barriers for blacks and gave generously to causes such as the United Negro College Fund.
Update: 7/7/09 - Michael Jackson Memorial Tribute, Los Angeles, Staples Center
Update (6/26/09 10:11 am PST): The 911 call that Michael Jackson was unconscious and not breathing.
Update: Watch A Tribute to The Memory of Michael Jackson by brilliant guitarist Sunghu Jung performing an acoustic instrumental cover of "Billie Jean".
Jackson was to start a sold out 50 show comeback in London on July 13. The special 25 year re-issue of Thriller by Michael Jackson, featuring remastered tracks and added other popular Jackson hits collection is #1 right now on Amazon.
How Michael Jackson died will not be official until the coroner and toxicology reports are released. Toxicology reports can take up to three weeks to complete. The address of where Jackson was living is 100 N. Carolwood Dr., Bel Air, Los Angeles, Ca. 90077.
Micheal Jackson's body has just been airlifted by helicopter (see video below) to the coroner's office for autopsy.
Check back later for updates. Wow, TMZ scooped the world media more than an hour before the official press - like Associated Press and LA Times - that Michael Jackson had died.
The UK Guardian has just published a 50 photo spread of Micheal Jackson featuring photos of the King of Pop from childhood to recent.
Labels: Michael Jackson Ambulance Video, Michael Jackson Last Photo
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wow, i first heard about michael's passing from your site, even before the major networks reported his death, and none of them had these photos or video.
i'm still torn b/w loving his music and hating an apparent fondness for young boys, but he was 'never' convicted. he probably did mre to help ppl around the wrold than he ever 'hurt' anyone.
i honesty don't think you should have these photos up of michael jackson. His family and children will not be happy bout this!! bad form
He might have "helped" people more than he "hurt" people. But hurting 1 person is still a stronger sin than helping all the people in the world. He was never convicted and imprisoned due to child molestation, and neither was OJ for not killing his wife.
When you can prove that he 'molestered' anyone then we will accept HE DID IT! But evidence states he didnt,people will say anything to get millions. Think about that!
His family wont appreciate this being online.
He's in a better place. The world NEVER deserved Michael in the first place.
My heart goes out to his children and Mother..
and all 100% devoted fans who never gave up on him!
ok first off he did rape those kids and nobody thinks he did bcause he paid off the families. second he had a theme park in his house called neverland ranch? r u kidding me. you mite as well call it "i want kids to rape them park" so please do not belive the propaganda that he didnt. I dont believe he deserved death but no longer will kids be in danger.
anyone who was innocent wouldnt mind going to court to clear there name, anyone guilty would offer payouts and settle out of court micheal was guilty he just had the money to save his arse!!
R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson.
You'll be remembered forever.
ily. RIP.
Michael is in a better place.
I am completely against him being a child molester. People will do anything for money. Michael was great. A genius. He really cared about the important things. He believed that children are our future.. and he was right. If you think that Michael thinking that was perverted and messed up, then your freakin insane. If only more people out there were like him, then maybe, just maybe, the world would be a better place.
A very talented artist. . .
Michael Joseph Jackson
Micahel was an inspiration to us all. Someone, somewhere will always find a way to pollute the image of someone so amazing as Micahel was. He did more for this world than anyone ever has, and his music will ALWAYS live on. He made his music for a purpose, and that purpose is proving itself more over the past few weeks than ever before!
Love you MJ....thank you!
I believe MJ was good at heart and did help a lot of people, But he was probably high on drugs one night, got horny and ended up molesting a poor kid.
I blame the parents of the kid for letting their small boy have a sleep over at MJ's house in the first place, What on earth were they thinkin?!!!
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