So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

The Ravonettes' 2008 album Lust, Lust, Lust from Vice Records is a big improvement over their last release in 2005, Pretty in Black.
Lust helps recreate some of the band's brilliant and brassy garage rock-pop sound from their 2003 sophomore release, The Chain Gang of Love.
Other artists featured here include The Ruby Suns, Titus Andronicus, Wool Strings and Final Fantasy.

"Feel The Love" - Cut Copy from In Ghost Colours
"No Future Part One" - Titus Andronicus (photo, right) from The Airing of Grievances
"Aly,Walk With Me" - The Ravonettes from Lust Lust Lust
"Shirley Poppy" - Wool Strings from Eardrums Autumn Compilation
"Tane Mahuta" - The Ruby Suns from Sea Lion
"The Butcher" - Final Fantasy from Spectrum, 14th Century
Labels: Best Indie 2008, Best Indie Albums, Cut Copy, The Ravonettes
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Wow. Thank you for posting "The Butcher" from Final Fantasy. So beautiful, and so unique. It's hard to find bands that complete the, "If you like Sufjan Stevens ..." couplet. But this does it for me, and just as rewardingly. - DY
Your picture on the right hand side says "Titus Andronicus" when it is most definitely "HEALTH".
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