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best indie albums 2008

Festival organizers for Lollapalooza have yet to officially announce one artist for the August 1-3 annual rock fest in Chicago's Grant Park.
But that hasn't stopped the rumors, speculation, "wish lists" and flat out fabrications for Lollapalooza's 2008 lineup.

Just this past week, the amps were turned up on the rumor machine with magazines like Paste and Rolling Stone newspapers like the Los Angeles Times and the The Grand Rapids Press announcing that artists and bands like Rage Against the Machine, Wilco, Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails are 'rumored' to be headliners for Lolla 08.
The Lollapalooza message boards have been lit up for weeks containing topic threads and replies for "Wanna Make a Band Suggestion?" and various other messages of "hopefuls" that are updated almost hourly with eager fans pumping out some enticing, but again totally wishful, line up schedules.
Here are a couple of tracks from the 'best-bet' rumored artists set to perform at Lolla 2008:
In the meantime, flashback to approximately 18 months ago: Wilco playing "Heavy Metal Drummer" at Lolla 06. Enjoy. If you are waiting for the lineup to be announced before buying your tickets, please use the comments section below to say so and why. (I'm curious.)
Labels: Lollapalooza, Music Festivals
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The lineup is meant to be fake.
We wrote about it here...
I am not buying my tickets until the lineup comes out. I'm from a suburb of Chicago and I went in 2006 and had the time of my life--I even dancted ONSTAGE with the Flaming Lips--but I didn't want to go last year because the lineup wasn't worth it to me. I'm not spending that kind of money and regretting it. I'd rather spend a little more and know I'm in love with the artists that are going to be there. The higher price range is worth it to me if Radiohead really is going to be there.
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