So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

This week's indie music playlist features recent releases from musicians and groups that are creating buzz among the music bloggers.
The single "No One's Gonna Love You" by Band of Horses appeared on their latest album released almost six months ago. Yet, it wasn't until yesterday (March 19, 2008) that the single was 'officially' released.
The psychedelic and Middle Eastern influences of The Ruby Suns is apparent on their latest single and The Helio Sequence returns with a new single after a four year new material drought (but the wait was worth it for HS fans).
Each of this week's songs and the artists who created them were selected not just because they are recent notable releases, but their unique talent and important contributions to the silly thing we like to call 'indie' rock, aka independent music, helps keep the spirit, freedom and creativity of music alive in an age when overly polished and marketed music dominates the mainstream media.
Check out these free and legal MP3s from Band of Horses, The Ruby Suns, The Gutter Twins, The Helio Sequence, What Made Milwaukee Famous and Steve Malkmus and the Jicks.
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Tane Mahuta

MP3: The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead
MP3: Band of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You
MP3: The Gutter Twins - Idle Hands
MP3: Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks -Baltimore
MP3: What Made Milwaukee Famous - Resistance St.
Stay tuned for a complete band profiles of each of this week's playlist winners or subscribe to the feed to get them as they are published.
Note: Musicians, bands, promoters and labels, please submit CDs and music to review to POB 722, RE, CA 95044. To leave a comment, please click on the Post Comment link.
Labels: 2008 Indie Releases
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