With the release of The Maccabees new album, "First Love," In The News reviewer Mayer Nissim declares indie pop is back . We haven't had a listen to it yet at IRC, but it'd better be great.
This article,Virgin, EMI face Hawthorne Heights poaching suit begs the question: when an "indie" band goes commercial, are they no longer an indie band. What exactly is an indie band? Please chime in...
One of the great Canadian indie rock/pop bands, Of Montreal, is getting renewed airplay for their 2005 song "Everyday Feels Like Sunday," (not to be confused with Morrissey's "Everyday Is Like Sunday").
The song is currently being played on a television commercial, but I'm not sure what the commercial is for. I have to see it again (I was on the phone). Nonetheless, Of Montreal is truly worth checking out.
Labels: Indie Rock Songs, Of Montreal, Of Montreal MP3s, TV Commercial Songs
We are asking our frequent visitors (and there are thousands of you) to help support us so that we can fulfill our mission to bring you great content you won't find anywhere else about the most amazing indie rock and pop (main emphasis) and the best in other forms like electronica and hiphop. Any donation is greatly appreciated. We are working hard to bring more dynamic features to our readers, so hang in there! :-)
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The revenue we make from the ads on this site are not even enough to pay for our monthly hosting service! Also, count on us to bring you other news whenever we get a scoop! We're also working behind the scenes to launch an all-new, cool design and navigation, but we need your help. Peace.
Labels: Community Journalism, Contributions to IRC, Indie Rock Donation, Support Indie Rock
Radiohead's In Rainbows and Ray Davies' Working Man's Cafe

It's a rare thing when a new album release becomes a classic almost overnight. But in the case of alternative rock icons Radiohead, the 2007-2008 releases of In Rainbows is being hailed as a masterpiece; some even say more so than the landmark releases of The Bends and OK Computer. This time around, Radiohead has drummed up their own multi-layered promotion, distribution and publicity machines thanks in large part to the band's revolutionary and bold move last fall to offer the new release - for a limited time - at a price determined by the consumer. While Radiohead was not the first to use the Internet this way - Ray Davies, the iconic singer-songwriter of The Kinks, gave away his latest CD Working Man's Cafe - for free this past summer. …
2008 Music Festivals

- Glastonbury
- Coachella
- Lollapalooza
- Bonaroo Festival
Previous Posts
- After Two Years On The Road, The Fray Jumping Out- Coachella 2008 Official Line-Up Includes Roger Wat...
- Favorite or "Best" Songs of 2007, Playlist II
- Radiohead's Mass Distribution of In Rainbows Conti...
- The Triangle's Mid-January Indie Rock Shows Low-Do...
- Arctic Monkey's Newest Video, Upcoming DVD of Manc...
- 90+ Essential Music and Audio Links Collection
- Trailer Park Fashion Show
- Best Indie and Alternative Songs of 2007, Playlist...
- The 12 Plays of Alt-Indie Christmas Songs - Mix Tw...

Arctic Monkeys - Rare Christmas Booklet
During Arctic Monkeys' 12-show, sold-out U.K. tour last December, Big Issue magazine handed out a limited Christmas edition that included a ten-page spread featuring mainly of photos of the group taken during their 2007 world tour.
see it here»